Thursday 29 May 2014


What is a kidney stone?

A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline mineral material formed within the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine and often severe pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. Kidney stones are sometimes called renal calculi.

Who is at risk for kidney stones?

Anyone may develop a kidney stone, but people with certain diseases and conditions or those who are taking certain medications are more susceptible to their development. It is estimated that one out of every 10 people in the U.S. will develop stones in the urinary tract at some point in their lives. Most urinary stones develop in people 20-49 years of age, and those who are prone to multiple attacks of kidney stones usually develop their first stones during the second or third decade of life.
In residents of industrialized countries, kidney stones are more common than stones in the bladder. The opposite is true for residents of developing areas of the world, where bladder stones are the most common. This difference is believed to be related to dietary factors. Urinary tract stones are about three times more common in males than in females. The prevalence of kidney stones begins to rise when men reach their 40s, and it continues to climb into their 70s. A Caucasian male has a one in eight chance of developing a kidney stone by age 70. People who have already had more than one kidney stone are prone to developing further stones.
A family history of kidney stones is also a risk factor for developing kidney stones. Kidney stones are more common in Asians than in Native Americans, Africans, or African Americans.
The kidneys produce the urine that dissolves wastes and excretes them through the urinary tract. Kidney stones form when the urine becomes so saturated with a certain mineral that no more of it can dissolve into the urine (like trying to dissolve too much sugar in your iced tea). The un-dissolved portion of the mineral forms crystals that then clump together and grow into hard stones. Kidney stones usually develop in the kidneys; however they can form anywhere in the urinary tract.
When kidney stones are quite tiny, they may pass unnoticed with the urine. Often however, they grow too large to pass easily through the urinary tract, and some stones develop rough or sharp edges. When these stones pass through the urinary tract, it can be quite painful. In some cases, kidney stones cannot pass on their own, and treatment with specialized medical equipment or surgery may be necessary.

For most people, kidney stones are like dandelions in the lawn; they can be eliminated, but they'll be back another year. Therefore, a major part of the treatment for this condition is aimed at preventing recurrences. There are various types of kidney stones. Because treatment for each differs, it is important for the physician to determine the stone's mineral content and to identify any medical conditions that may have contributed to stone formation so for a comprehensive and total cure call 2348033759021 or email

Tuesday 23 August 2011

halitosis[ bad breath} cure

Your chronic bad breath is interfering with your social or professional success.You frequently have a bad taste in your mouth.People step back from you when you are talking to them, or they avoid direct contact with you.Somebody has commented on your bad breath, or offered you mints or chewing gum.You experience a white or yellow film on your tongue.
If you answered yes to any of the above you likely have a chronic bad breath problem and are seeking out a way to cure halitosis.
One thing about halitosis is that even your best friend won’t tell you. That’s what they used to say about one of the most personal and often embarrassing problems commonly faced by millions of people. It is true that this can be a delicate subject. This information is about halitosis, usually referred to as chronic bad breath, and anyone can have it no matter how carefully he or she takes care of their teeth and overall health. What can a person do about halitosis; how can they prevent it or eliminate it? Can that, in fact, be done? Whatever you might need to know about halitosis can be found her. It is a place to find answers about halitosis causes, treatments and possible cures. Because attitudes about halitosis tend to be less than serious, it has been difficult in the past to find clear, appropriate and useful information about halitosis. The facts are, however, that although it is rarely caused by or representative of a serious medical condition, it occasionally can be. Whether it turns out that the specifics about halitosis that is affecting you prove to be totally harmless or issues that require medical attention, you certainly have good reason to be well informed about them.
One of the basic things to understand about halitosis is that it is not a uniform, consistent condition. It can vary in several ways including but not limited to intensity, type and the occurrence of associated symptoms. Most people don’t know  about halitosis. Another common misconception about halitosis is that the causes are limited to what you eat and how well you take care of your teeth and gums and your small intestine and liver plays a major roll,  If you have bad breath, while unpleasant, is always harmless, that may prevent you from seriously examining your own condition and learning more about halitosis. In fact, there are many causes of this problem so the most important thing is that a natural remedy product from Malaysia will handle this problem as it have done to so many people call 2348033759021 to eliminate bad breath.

Monday 1 August 2011


Dear Premature Ejaculation Sufferer,
I know what you’re going through. . .you prepare to have sex with your wife or girlfriend. She’s waiting anticipating the pleasure you’ll give her. But as soon as you pull out your penis like water from a tap, your semen pours all over the place, sometimes even before you enter her…she looks at you with disgust. A one-minute-man.
Silently, she threatens to leave you for another man. All of them do, even if they don’t say it loud to your hearing. It’s just a matter of time.
It’s an embarrassing situation, I tell you. You go everywhere looking for a cure.
In this situation, you could be forgiven for agreeing to anything suggested – even surgery – just to be cured of this monumental embarrassment and regain your manhood.
But right now I bet you’re wishing, praying even, for a “miracle cure” that will banish this embarrassment from your life, so it never comes back again in a few days, without the trauma, cost or inconvenience of surgery…perhaps even without subjecting your body to harsh drugs, drugs that may not even work. at the end of the day.

You are about to discover the answer to your prayers. A simple natural home remedy cure that works real fast to prolong your lasting power and ensure you last as long as you wish before you release your semen inside any woman. And you can forget all about surgery and harsh medication because, in a few days or so, you’ll have no sign of premature ejaculation ever again.

How To Totally Cure And Eliminate Premature Ejaculation From Your Life Forever!
  • How to cure and totally eliminate premature ejaculation from your life forever!
  •   5 reasons why you let premature ejaculation happen to you
  • Common mistakes men make in curing premature ejaculation that never help them. Are you too making these same mistakes? If you are, you’re in trouble!
  •   three big reasons why most men with premature ejaculation don’t cure it.
  • Three permanent natural ways to cure premature ejaculation and eliminate it forever!
  • The ONLY herbal premature ejaculation treatment that works
  • The hidden dangers of alternative premature ejaculation treatment that will kill you, if you’re not careful
  • How to prevent premature ejaculation from ever happening to you ever again
  • REVEALED! S.E.C.R.E.T Methods Asians, especially Chinese and Japanese have used to cure Premature Ejaculation for over 5000 years now. The amazing thing is these methods still work for anyone and are still used in these countries today!
  • Two LIES about premature Ejaculation you can forget about today.
  • How to talk to your partner about premature ejaculation, so that they will be willing to help you solve it.
  • Candid advice to a woman on how to get her PE afflicted husband to have sex so that his PE can be wholly eliminate
  • No it’s not Viagra tablet take note
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve had your premature ejaculation problem, it doesn’t matter if you’re diabetic, asthmatic or anything else, these methods work for everyone How long will your premature ejaculation problem take to go away?
That depends on 3 factors. Getting the right information (which of course we’re presenting to you), and following the simple advice i mention. If you follow the product recommended, you’ll definitely solve your premature ejaculation problems in no time quick please this product is very much available in Nigeria for those who are interested all need to do is call 08033759021  SEE THIS

Thursday 28 July 2011


So how do you find that passion? First, understand that there are many reasons for your lack of enthusiasm about sex. PERMATA SURI addresses many of these problems:

So many responsibilities -- family, home, demanding careers, busy social lives -- all leave you with little time or energy left when it comes to sex. PERMATER SURI renews your interest in sex by intensifying arousal and delivering maximum sexual fulfillment.

Vaginal dryness is a problem for many women. PERMATER SURI instantly glides on a silky texture, then creates a "warm tingling" sensation that speeds arousal and encourages your body's natural lubrication.

Difficulty or inability to reach orgasm in the past may have convinced you that you just "can't get there." Now you'll see that's not so PERMATER SURI intensifies every touch and stroke, and helps bring you to explosive orgasms like you've never had before.

Medications, stress or health challenges can all interrupt your body's natural sexual responses. PERMATER SURI not only eases the effects of these problems, but carries you to sexual heights faster and more powerfully despite them!also firms and constricts vaginal wall, reduces discharge, itch and unpleasant odor, and cleanse the ovary, call 08033759021 now for this solution.

HAY FEVER [allergic rhinities] final solution

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is an especially common chronic nasal problem in adolescents and young adults. Allergies to inhalants like pollen, dust, and animal dander begin to cause sinus and nasal symptoms in early childhood. Infants and young children are especially susceptible to allergic sensitivity to foods and indoor allergens.

What causes allergic rhinitis?

Allergic rhinitis typically results from two conditions: family history/genetic predisposition to allergic disease and exposure to allergens. Allergens are substances that produce an allergic response.

Children are not born with allergies but develop symptoms upon repeated exposure to environmental allergens. The earliest exposure is through food—and infants may develop eczema, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, and wheezing caused by one or more allergens (milk protein is the most common). Allergies can also contribute to repeated ear infections in children. In early childhood, indoor exposure to dust mites, animal dander, and mold spores may cause an allergic reaction, often lasting throughout the year. Outdoor allergens including pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds primarily cause seasonal symptoms.
The number of patients with allergic rhinitis has increased in the past decade, especially in urban areas. Before adolescence, twice as many boys as girls are affected; however, after adolescence, females are slightly more affected than males. Researchers have found that children born to a large family with several older siblings and day care attendance seem to have less likelihood of developing allergic disease later in life.
What are allergic rhinitis symptoms?
Symptoms can vary with the season and type of allergen and include sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, and itchy eyes and nose. A year-long exposure usually produces nasal congestion (chronic stuffy nose). Let me not disturb you with much words but go straight to the remedy for hay fever call 2348033759021